Monday, August 15, 2011

Found on my HD

Just some free-floating hostility penned on my recent trip to KY. It reads how you'd expect me to read after being on the road for I think 7 hours at that point.

My libertarian roots are screaming at me for saying this, but I hate some aspects of capitalism. Fuck urban sprawl and homogenization.

Fuck it in its staring eyes while its distracted looking at my pocketbook. Driving to KY (LOL KY JELLY LAWLAWLWAL) I hit a town called Terra Haute. Fucking shit, this place had just a few signs less than Wal-Drug.

I swear to fucking god. I was watching for Exit 7 for some time. Exit 7 was the next step in my journey according to Map-quest, who also nearly put me in the wrong part of the state so who the hell knows. Maybe they were pointing me towards this city because Terra Haute paid them off.

“No, no, its cool. I know them, just grab a bite, you'll love it. Would I lie to you?”
“Do you have a choice now that you've left and you have no GPS?”
“... no.”
“Glad we understand each other. Now, say my name, bitch, and turn left after 3.5 miles.”

When I finally hit the city I saw stretched before me some sort of bizarre Chinese hell in the form of the Hell of Everything Being Concrete and Having a Corporate Logo. Seriously, there was a dead deer on the side of the road that had a Sonic logo on it and its own fucking parking lot and drive through. This city is soulless from what I've seen so far. The mythic exit 7, promised to me s a wonderful oasis of fun, food, pleasure, and dancing girls (It was a long drive, I may have made that last up) stretched before me, a great steel re-bar cored, form poured snake. It looked like any number of other places I'd been (usually for conventions). It was a place that existed only because there was an off-ramp there. A mall with no character, restaurants that exist everywhere else, nothing unique. Fucking shit, I wanted to vomit.

I was repulsed by the emptiness. You can hear the soul of the land beneath sobbing hysterically like Monica Belluci being raped by Chris-chan: possibility and promise smothered by base, horrid, unthinking need.

Okay that last was pretty tortured.... but you get my point. The place fucking sucks. Christ, I want to blow it up. I want to detonate the charges and turn this blight into a crater. The people all dress the same, the stores re all the fucking same, for all I know I may drive out of here through some fucked up time warp. Maybe this place is not separate. Maybe they're ALL THE SAME PLACE. Like a Stephen king novel.

Or maybe I'm just hungry, so I'm going to eat the only thing that makes this spot on the map worth it... and that's that this is the best goddamn orange chicken on the fucking planet.

Random musings while I eat:

Remember when Hot Topic was dark, played death metal and goth music, and was staffed by angry goths whose face piercings made it look like they soul-kissed a claymore mine? The one to my right has a slightly average looking 19 year old in a “Lil Wayne” t shirt. Fuck.

I looked at a girl who was attractive and dressed like a straight up slut. And then n older woman glared at me. And then I realized that was her mom. And the girl was likely not 18. But! She was dressed like she just stepped out of one of Lady Gaga's wet dreams so I wanted to scream “HOW THE FUCK AM I THE BAD GUY HERE?” Christ sakes, its getting to the point where we have to stamp young ladies like milk cartons or something. “Do not open until...” etc.

The Festival Foods stand across the food court is supposed to look oriental, but keeps reminding me of those pictures of Viet-Kong torture camps. I wonder if they have John McCain strung up in the back.

I got lost on the way. Not much though.... I was able to pull over to a McDonald's parking lot, kick up the laptop, locate my exact position, plot my route, and talk to a friend from SL before pulling back out. This is at once fucking awesome, and goddamn pants-shittingly terrifying.

There' a dude in cowboy had with a Git 'er Done belt buckle, and I sincerely want to jump up, hit him with a chair, and scream “PURGE THE HERETIC” but I think its illegal to do that, even to idiots.

Last thought: There's kid wearing a mao t-shirt dressed like a fucking commie (The whole coffee house set hipster douche bag look) complaining that he doesn't get paid enough. God, I want to fuck him in the ass with a dildo shaped like Adam Smith until he understands economics.


Reading. This. Made. My. Night. Better.
And one day we shall get you that dildo.
As long as you get me a paddle with Nestor Makhno's face emblazoned on it so it leaves large Makhnovist marks everywhere I go.

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